Sooviksin teiega jagada ühte lugu, mida mäletan 90-ndate algusest, kuid tahes tahtmata kandub edasi praegusesse Eestisse.
Oli kord üks lühikest kasvu poiss, kes pidas ennast julmalt kõvaks meheks. Ei möödunud ühtegi koosviibimist, kui seltskonnas ta rääkis alatihti jutte, mis panid paljusid muigama. Teati, et ta tõesti kuulub ühte kohalikku pätikampa, kellel pidevalt probleeme teistega ning kaklused olid kiired tulema. Uhkeldas alati oma kaklusoskustega ning rääkis, kuidas oma kambaga sai naaberküla poistele kere peale antud.
Sisuliselt oli pätikambal strateegia üks. Saadeti pisike poiss tüli norima. Norimine kestis seni kuni noritaval sai siiber ja ta lauast püsti tõusis, et pisikesele koht kätte näidata. Tülinorijal vaid päkad välkusid ning probleemi võtsid üle kambajõmmid, kes kohe ka peksa pakkusid. Sama kehtis ka kampade vahelisel arveteklaarimisel. Pisike poiss tegi kõike, mida oma kambas öeldi ja teda kiideti alatasa, kui lojaalset liiget. Vahel oli ka viletsaimad aegu, kus kiired jalad ei päästnud ja tuli oma keretäis vastu võtta. Hiljem vaid kambajõmmid lohutasid, et küll me neile veel näitama ja ehk suudad järgmine kord kiiremi joosta.
Kui antud lugu tõsta Eestis konteksti siis võiks öelda, et situatsioon oleks nagu üks ühele. Käib pidev provokatsioon Vene riigi vastu: “Kui Ukrainat rahule ei jäta, siis hävitame Putini ja Venemaa!” “Kui ründab NATO-t ja Balti riike, siis hävitame samuti Putini ja Venemaa”… Mul tekib alati küsimus, miks Soome nii ei käitu ega ka Ungari ning paljud teised riigid, nagu Eesti seda teeb? Soome võiks ju veel kõvemini ülbitseda Venemaa kallal, kuna riik kordades suurem. Eesti kaitsevõimet pole üldse mõtet võrrelda, aga siiski jäetakse see tegemata. Samuti Soomes siseriiklikult ei saa arugi, et mingi sõda üldse käimas on. Uudised küll kajastavad seda, aga mitte sellisel kujul nagu seda Eestis tehakse. Sisuliselt sellise propagandaga ja vaenu õhutamisega mängib Eesti vene ruletti. Sellise poliitikaga hävitatakse igasugused diplomaatilised suhted Venemaaga. Need aga võiksid väga kasuks tulla ning säilitada Eesti iseseisvuse. Eesti oleks nagu loo algul mainitud pisike poiss, kes on saadetud Venemaa kallale tüli norima lootes, et see soovitud tulemuse saavutamisel minema jookseks ning siis ülejäänud kamp peksa pakuks. Kuid paraku peame tunnistama, et Eestil pole üldse jalgu ning ka kõige suurema laamade liikumise korral ei jõuaks me Ameerika külje alla niipea. Sisuliselt Venemaa rünnaku korral saame me löögi eesrindlikult täies mahus kätte, jäädes samas ootama, millal meie kambajõmmid meile appi tulevad… Eesti jaoks tähendaks see kohest okupeerimist ning taaskord “valge laeva” ootamist, rääkimata kannatustest, mida sõda endaga kaasa toob.
Kas tõesti Eesti valitsus on nii rumal, et tüürib riigi ise sõtta, või ongi see osa plaanist, et alustada Venemaaga laiaulatuslikku sõda?
I’d like to share a story with you that I remember from the early 90s, but which is being passed on to today’s Estonia.
Once upon a time, there was a boy of short stature who thought of himself as a brutally tough man. Not a single social gathering went by without him telling stories that made many people laugh. It was known that he really belonged to one of the local gangs of thug, who was always getting into trouble with the others, and fights were quick to break out. He always boasted about his fighting skills and told how his gang used to beat up boys from the neighboring village.
Basecly, the strategy of the gangs of thug was one. A little boy was sent to pick a fight. The scolding went on until the jerk had had enough and got up from the table to show the little boy his place. The troublemaker’s head flashed and the problem was taken over by the other boys in the gang, who promptly offered to beat him up. The same was true of the scuffle between the gangs. The little boy did whatever was said in his gang and was constantly praised as a loyal member. Sometimes there were the most miserable of times, when quick feet could not save the day and he had to accept his share of the body. Afterwards, only his teammates would console him that we would show them and maybe next time you could run faster.
If this story were to be put in context in Estonia, one could say that the situation would be like one to one. There is a constant provocation against the Russian state: “If Ukraine is not left alone, we will destroy Putin and Russia!”. “If we do not leave Ukraine alone, we will destroy Putin and Russia”… “If NATO and the Baltic states are attacked, we will also destroy Putin and Russia”… I always wonder why Finland doesn’t do this, and why Hungary and many other countries don’t do it like Estonia does? After all, Finland could be even more arrogant against Russia, as the country is many times bigger. There is no point in comparing Estonia’s defence capabilities at all, and yet they fail to do so. Similarly, domestically, Finland has no idea that there is any war going on at all. The news does report it, but not in the way that it does in Estonia. Basicly Estonia is playing Russian roulette with this kind of propaganda and incitement to hatred. Such a policy destroys any diplomatic relations with Russia. However, these could be of great benefit and preserve Estonia’s independence.
Estonia would be like the little boy mentioned at the beginning of the story, sent to pick a fight with Russia in the hope that it will run away when the desired result is achieved and then beat up the rest of the bunch. Unfortunately, we have to admit that Estonia has no legs at all, and even with the biggest movement of llamas, we would not be on America’s side any time soon. In essence, in the event of a Russian attack, we will be able to strike at full speed from the front, while waiting for our cronies to come to our rescue…. For Estonia, this would mean immediate occupation and once again waiting for the “white ship”, not to mention the suffering that war brings.
Is the Estonian government really so stupid as to push the country into war itself, or is this part of the plan to start a full-scale war with Russia?!