Kallis rahvas, muudame maailma paremaks! Ärme kasuta kondoome! Kondoom ahistab ja orjastab inimkonda! Meditsiin väidab, et kondoom hoiab ära sugulisel teel levivad haigused?! Küsin teilt, kallid inimesed: “On teil kordagi suguhaigust olnud?!” Minul küll pole, seega on kogu jutt suguhaigustest vale! 20. sajandi algul leiutati penitsilliin, mis haigused maamunalt pühkis! Jutud haigetest suguhaiguste dispanseris on väljamõeldis ja valitsuse vandenõu, et teid hirmutada ja sundida kummi kasutama! Samuti kumm ei hoia ära soovimatut rasedust, kuna lapsi toob kurg! Kuidas me kondoomiga teda peletame?! Teeme pihlakapüssi ja siis sellega laseme kurge? Pealegi kondoom on keskkonnale ohtlik ja inimkonnale hukatuslik, kuna kui kurg peaks selle alla neelama ja ära surema, siis kes meile lapsi toob? Inimkond on suures hädas!!!!…. Praegune probleem maski kandmise pärast on tühine võrreldes ohust, mida kondoom põhjustab!
Dear people, let’s make the world a better place! Let’s not use condoms! The condom enslaves and enslaves humanity! Medicine claims that condoms prevent sexually transmitted diseases?! I ask you, dear people: “Have you ever had an STD?!” I haven’t, so all this talk about STDs is a lie! At the beginning of the 20th century, penicillin was invented, which wiped diseases off the face of the earth! The stories of sick people in the STD dispensary are fiction and a government conspiracy to scare you into using a rubber! Also, gum does not prevent unwanted pregnancies, because babies are delivered by a cockroach! How are we going to scare him off with a condom!!! Do we make a pine cone and then use it to shoot the cucumber? Besides, the condom is dangerous for the environment and disastrous for mankind, because if the crane should swallow it and die, who will bring us children? Humanity is in big trouble!!!!…. The current problem of wearing a mask is negligible compared to the danger posed by a condom!