Enne esimest korda Soome EKRE osakonna koosviibimisel osalemist Tamperes tuginesid minu varasemad mõtted ning teadmised ainult isiklikel tõekspidamistel ja veendumustel.
Sellel koosviibimisel avanes mu silmaring, kuna sain inimestega asjadest rääkida nii nagu need on ja seda kõige lihtsamas võtmes. Ei mingit keerutamist ega ka vassimist nagu tavaliselt teiste erakondade puhul.
Kuulasin ja mõtlesin, mõtlesin ja kuulasin ning jõudsin järeldusele, miks EKRE on nii populaarne tavainimeste hulgas ning miks on erakonda nii lihtne mõista.
Tooksin võrdluseks keskaegse Martin Lutheri reformatsiooni katoliku kiriku vastu.
Keskajal puudusid parteid ning kogu poliitika toimus kiriku kaudu. Selleaegsed inimesed olid tüdinud, et nad ei saanud kirikus aru, millest papp altari ees rääkis. Samuti vihastas neid, et kirik omastas rahva raha. Lubadused, mida kirik andis, olid rahvale tühised.
Martin Lutherit häiris see väga, kuna kirik, mis pidi olema ühenduslüli rahva ja jumala vahel, seda enam ei olnud . Ta lasi tõlkida piibli emakeelde ning manitses oma kõnedes kirikuid loobuma rikkusest. Kiriku käitumine ei teeninud otseselt jumalat ning rahvast koormati igasuguste kohustustega. Lõpuks Martin Lutheri üritus viis selleni, et inimesed hakkasid mässama katoliku kiriku vastu. Vihane rahvas põletas hulga kirikuid ja kloostreid. Minu meelest on Mart ja Martin Helme saanud hakkama samalaadse üritusega. Nad on suutnud tuua poliitika lihtrahvani ja teinud selle arusaadavaks ka neile, kes sellest varem aru ei saanud. Samuti on kindlalt vastu erakondade pillavale elulaadile, kuna selline tegevus ei teeni ei rahva ega ka riigi huve.
Hetkel toimuv poliitiline madin sarnaneb keskaegse katoliku kiriku vastuhakuga ja hädakisaga luterluse vastu.
EKRE on suutnud seljatada institutsiooni, mis valitses Eestis 17 aastat. Kuna see partei ei teeninud rahva huve juba aastaid, oli inimeste vastumeelsus garanteeritud ning EKRE tõus loogiline.
Lõpetuseks aeg näitab, mis sellest pühast üritusest lõpuks välja tuleb ja kas ka headus võidab kurja. Kuna võitjad kirjutavad ajaloo, võime oma lastelastele rääkida sellest vaid võib olla ühe loo: “Kui nad surnud ei ole, siis elavad nad õnnelikult veel tänaseni.”
Prior to attending the first meeting of the Finnish branch of the EKRE in Tampere, my previous thoughts and knowledge were based solely on personal beliefs and convictions. At this meeting, my horizons were opened, because I was able to talk to people about things as they are, in the simplest terms.
There is no spin and no bullshit, as is usually the case with other parties. I listened and I thought, I thought and I listened, and I came to the conclusion why the EKRE is so popular among ordinary people and why it is so easy to understand the party.
I drew an analogy with Martin Luther’s medieval Reformation against the Catholic Church. In the Middle Ages, there were no parties and all politics was conducted through the church.
The people of the time were fed up with not being able to understand what the priest was saying in church. They were also angry that the church was misappropriating the people’s money. The promises the church made were meaningless to the people. Martin Luther was very upset because the church, which was supposed to be the link between the people and God, no longer was. He had the Bible translated into his mother tongue and in his speeches exhorted churches to renounce wealth. The church’s behavior did not directly serve God and the people were burdened with all kinds of duties. Eventually, Martin Luther’s attempt led to people rebelling against the Catholic Church. Angry people burned down a number of churches and monasteries.
I think that Mart and Martin Helme have managed a similar event. They have succeeded in bringing politics to the common people and making it understandable to those who did not understand it before. It is also firmly opposed to the promiscuous lifestyle of political parties, as such activities serve neither the interests of the people nor the state. The current political turmoil is akin to the medieval Catholic Church’s backlash and agitation against Lutheranism. The EKRE has succeeded in overthrowing an institution that ruled Estonia for 17 years. As this party had not served the interests of the people for years, people’s reluctance was guaranteed and the rise of the EKRE was logical. In the end, time will tell what will come out of this holy event and whether good will triumph over evil.
Since the winners write history, we can tell our grandchildren only one story about it: “If they are not dead, they are still living happily
ever after.”