Seda lugu kirjutades tahan ma näidata enda väikese eluloo kokkuvõtet veidi humoorikas võtmes, et poliitika on jõudnud tavainimesteni tänu infotehnoloogia arengule. Poliitikat tehes pole enam vahet, oled sa mees või naine, noor või vana, kristlane või isegi haridustase pole enam oluline. Poliitika on kolinud internetti, kus puuduvad piirid.
Võib olla teen selle looga endale poliitilise enesetapu aga ma võtaks selle riski, sest nagu Edgar Savisaar oma viimases filmis mainis: “Kui oled poliitikasse läinud tuleb sul arvestada, et ühel päeval sind armastatakse ning teisel päeval võidakse sind kividega surnuks loopida, kuid tulemas on ka kolmas päev…”
Selle loo kirjutan ka teile mu kallid Facebooki sõbrad, et selgitada teile, mis minuga viimasel ajal lahti on ja miks mu postitused on läinud väga poliitiliseks. Olen saanud hulgaliselt küsimusi ja vastuseid sellel teemal. Küll küsitakse, et kas olen saanud elektrit või lihtsalt hulluks läinud, samuti hoiatatakse, et ma sita sisse ei astuks. Kuna poliitika mõjutab meid kõiki, oleks aus minu poolt ka ennast teile avada ja rääkida asjadest, mida teavad ainult mina ja minu lähedased. Mõtisklen siis vähe sellel teemal ja loodan, et iga lugeja peale lugemist ka vaataks enda sisse ja mõtleks, mis on tema eesmärk siin maamunal.
Sündisin 25. juunil 1985. Mu sünd algas kohe võitlusega elu eest, sest diagnoositi soolte väärareng, mille kõrvaldamist ei oldud Nõukogude Eestis veel tehtud. Selleks kutsuti Moskvast professor, kes sooritas minu peal esmase sellise operatsiooni. Nagu mulle meeldib enda kohta öelda: “Olin kui katsejänes, tänu kellele on nüüd elus palju lapsi.” Minu raviarstiks sai doktor Ann Paal, kellele olen ma elu lõpuni väga tänulik. Operatsioonide rohkuse tõttu juba väga varases eas arvasid mu vanemad, et ilmselt sain ma ajukahjustuse, sest tegin nende meelest arusaamatuid tegusid. Kuid tagantjärgi võttes olid need juba mu esmased sammud poliitikas.
Mäletan aega Haapsalu Nurme lasteaias, kus terve lasteaiarühm oli minu “juhtida”. Strateegia oli lihtne. Teesklesin magamist kuni kasvatajad läksid vaikse tunni ajal kohvile. Kohe kui plats neist puhas, ajasin kõik lapsed üles ja hakkasin koosolekuga pihta. Tulemuseks oli kas vaasist nurmenukkude ärasöömine, riietega duši alla kogu rühma juhatamine, nii et pärast kogu rühm tilkus. Ei puudunud ka avalikud üritused, kus ma pidin rühmale ennast tõestama, näiteks suudlema tüdrukut, kes mulle väga meeldis. Tegin seda rühma poiste hõiskamise saatel. Korra juhtusin tantsima ilma püksata, mida ka mu ema ja kasvataja juhuslikult minu seljataga imestasid. Emal muidugi silmad häbi täis.
Esimesse klassi läksin ma aastal 1992. Kooliks oli Haapsalu 1. keskkool. Mulle ei jõudnud kohale, miks kõik lapsed peavad ilusti istuma koolipingis sirge seljaga ja kuulama, mida õpetaja klassi ees räägib. Mässaja nagu ma ka lasteaias olin, ei meeldinud mulle tookord üldse. Selle asemel et õppida, olin ma tunni ajal laua all ja mängisin autodega. See aga ei tähendanud veel, et ma ei kuulanud, mida õpetaja rääkis. Minust sai klassis “Outsider”, kuniks mind esimese klassi lõppedes koolist välja visati ja Haapsalu Sanatoorsesse Internaatkooli suunati. Olles seal esimeses klassis, võttis õpetaja Kersti Roosvald iga last personaalselt. Õpetaja imestus oli suur, kuna ma täitsin töövihikud enne teisi otsast lõpuni ära ning lugesin kõigist soravamalt. Ta ei mõistnud, mis jutt see on, et ma ei suuda õppida. Mind taheti tõsta edasi poole aasta pealt teise klassi, kuid seda ei tehtud, kuna mu vanaema arvas, et poiss juba harjunud õpetajaga ning mul aega koolis käia küll.
Haapsalu Sanatoorne Internaatkool oli siis Eestis üks paremaid koole õppemeetodite ja õppeefektiivsuse poolest. Tavakoolid tammusid endiselt nõukogudeaegses õppementaliteedis.
Kuna lastel olid kas füüsilised või vaimsed puuded, pidid õpetajad iga last õpetama personaalselt ja arendama välja just tema kõige tugvema oskuse. Võin täiesti kindel olla, et Haapsalu Sanatoorne Internaatkool oli selle poolest teistest koolidest vähemalt 15 aastat arengus ees. Koolis õpetati kõike eluks vajalikku. Peale tunde oli võimalus käia kõikvõimalikes ringides, milledest ma aktiivselt osa võtsin ning tänu millele olid mul hilisemad huvid teatri, rahva- kui ka peotantsu vastu.
Alglassides sain ka nautida isa ebaõnnestunud uraaniäri katset. Olin üleöö kooli üks kuulsaimaid lapsi. Kuulsuse oreool kestis kõik 90-ndad aastad. Alles hiljem Andres Anvelti kirjutis “Punane elavhõbe” tuletas mulle ja ühiskonnale juhtunut meelde. Inimesed olid selleks ajaks juba asja unustanud ning võtsid ta lugu kui “Seiklusjutte maalt ja merelt.”
Koolis tutvusin teiste eakaaslastega, samuti ka vanemate klassi poistekambaga, kellele meeldis nõrgematele liiga teha ning sooritada muid mittekõlbelisi tegusi. Nagu öeldakse, kui tahad ellu jääda, siis ulu koos huntidega. Ka mina pidin seisma silmitsi olukorraga – kas olen ise peksukott või ajada poliitikat, kus hundidi söönud – lambad terved. See uus sotsiaalne olukord andis mulle väga suure kogemuse tunnetada omal nahal hea ja kurja vahekorda.
Suuremaks saades mulle meeldis põhikooli kirjanduse tundides kirjutada kirjandeid. Klassijuhataja ja kirjanduse õpetaja Imbi Beek lasi alati mu kirjandeid klassi ees ette lugeda. Seda teades kirjutasin omad lood nii, et klassikaaslased, kes seda kuulasid, said alati naerda. Ka põhikooli lõpukõne oli minu teha ja koostada, sest Imbi ütles, et sinust Mario saab rahvainimene – palun, kas koostaksid selle kõne. Siis ma ei mõistnud veel selle lause tähendust, kuid ma nõustusin tema palvega.
Suurema osa ajast viibisin ma vanavanemate juures Haeska külas Läänemaal, sest vanemad käisid tööl ja vaheaegadel ei olnud linnas lihtsalt huvitav. Tänu sellele on mul sealsete inimestega lähedane suhe. Haeska oli ka vabaduste küla, sest seal sai teha kõike, mida linnas teha ei saanud. Kui sain 15- aastaseks, sai vanaisa heinatöö eest nõukogudeaegse külgkorviga mootorratta K-750, mida mul meeldis pidevalt ärandada. Kaks nädalat peale motika saamist pidin veetma nädala haiglas, kuna tegin mootorrattaga avarii. Avarii tulemusel lõin pea vastu puud nii kõvasti ära, et kiiver läks pooleks. Õnnetusest oli vähemalt nii palju kasu, et õpitulemused läksid korraks väga heaks. Eeldasin, et see oli tingitud löögist pähe. Haiglast välja saades klopsisin motika üles, sest tolleaegne armastus mootorrataste vastu oli väga tugev ja mind ei heidutanud üks ebaõnnestumine, vaid pigem andis mulle kogemust ja jõudu juurde.
Kohalike poistega lõime minu esimese niiöelda põrandaaluse organisatsiooni “BikersGang”. Meil oli oma põhikiri, mille juhatusega vastu võtsime, samuti oma logo. Kahjuks neist säilinud midagi ei ole. Kamba eesmärk oli sõita mootorratastega ning teha igasuguseid lolluseid, mis vähegi pähe tuli.
Kaitseväes teenisin logistikapataljonis Tallinnas. Oma lapsepõlve haiguse tõttu oli mul võimalus kaitseväest ära hiilida, kuid seda ma ei teinud. Hoopis vastupidi, ma lausa nõudsin, et mind sinna vastu võetakse. Arstid kehitasid õlgu ning soovisid mulle edu ning nõnda ma alustasin oma kaitseväeteenistust. Esimesed kolm päeva olid kui õudusunenägu ning mõtlesin:” Kuhu kuradi kohta ma nüüd lasin ennast paigutada.” Oli suvine aeg ja räigelt kuum. Vormis oli lausa võimatu olla. Keel surises suus, higi lahmas päevad läbi ning poisid rivis minestasid. Osad poisid oli seal olles nii šokis, et istusid taburetil ning kõigutasid oma keha nagu hullud hullumajas, ise korrutades: “Ma põgenen siit, ma põgenen siit.” Üks nooruk lõikus ennast duširuumis, et saaks ära pääseda. Tihedad külalised tubades olid allülemad, kes karjusid poiste peale ning keerasid madratsid ja kappide sisud tagurpidi. Seda tehti süstemaatiliselt. Ma valetaks, kui ütleks, et ma öösiti patja ei nutnud, kuid samas kinnitasin endale, et pean need 11 kuud vastu. Aeg läks edasi. Kui sõduri baaskursus läbitud ja ka ametid omandatud, anti meile kõigile kohustused, mida pidime täitma. Kuna olin staabi kaitsejaos, mis koosnes enamasti venelastest ja ükski nooremseersant ei olnud nõus seda allumatut jagu juhtima, anti see kohustus millegipärast mulle. Ja siis saabus minu jaoks see aeg nagu oleksin ma nõukogude armees, sest ümberringi toimus suhtlemine ainult vene keeles. Õnneks sain tänu oma varasematele elukogemustele nendega kohe sina peale ning ma olin ainuke, kelle käsku nad lõpuks täitsid ja seda ma tegin kõike eesti keeles. Teistele seersantidele, kes midagi neilt nõudsid, öeldi lihtsalt: “Ma ei saa aru!”
Kaitseväes sain oma esimese organiseeritud seadusliku jaojuhtimise kogemuse, samas ise olles reamehe auastmes. Kapraliks sain ma alles kaitseliidus.
Siin kiiresti muutuvas maailmas pead olema sa väga paindlik. Selleks olen töötanud väga erinevatel aladel, et saada kogemusi ning leida oma elu eesmärk. Kui sa elus midagi väga tahad, siis lõpuks sa selle ka saad!
Olen olnud kelner, baarman, autopesija, kohviku pidaja, Kaitseliidu valverühmas valvur, diskoteegis turvamees, laevatehases lamineerija, aurahade tehases pronseerija, kipsipaigaldaja, lagedepaigaldaja, 4×4 veoliste rajakohtunik, mööblipaigaldaja ja isegi ühe päeva Valjala sepikojas sepp.
2016. aastal tulin Soome, kuna Eestis elades ja töötades palk ei rahuldanud mind. Võtsin majalaenu ning ka lapsed, kes olid vahepeal sündinud, vajasid parimat. Esimesed kuud olid võõras riigis keerulised. Kolm kuud elasin isa köögis laua all koos oma elukaaslasega, kellega sai Soome teekond ette võetud. Aga ma ei andnud alla ja samm-sammult rühkisin ikka edasi ja edasi. Lõpuks elukaaslane andis alla ning läks Eestisse tagasi . Ka meie suhe läks koos temaga.
Tänu emale ja ta elukaaslasele avastasin EKRE päriselt.
Paljud on küsinud: “Miks just EKRE?” Mu vastus on lihtne: “Miks peaksin ma valima poliitilise ideoloogiaga parteid, mida minu vanavanemad Eesti Vabariigi taasiseseisvumise ajast saati on piimapuki ääres kirunud?”
Peagi mõistsin, et kõik see mida ma olen elus läbi kogenud, ongi pakitud ühte formaati ehk sain poliitilise ilmutuse. Sest EKREs ongi need tavalised Eestimaa inimesed, kes oma elukogemustele tuginedes ajavad koos ühte asja – Eesti asja!
In writing this story, I want to show, in a slightly humorous summary of my own little life story, that politics has reached ordinary people thanks to the development of information technology. When it comes to politics, it doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a woman, young or old, a Christian or even your level of education doesn’t matter. Politics has moved to the internet, where there are no borders.
Maybe I’m committing political suicide with this story, but I’d take the risk because, as Edgar Savisaar said in his last film, “If you’ve gone into politics, you have to expect that one day you’ll be loved and the next day you might be stoned to death, but there will be a third day…”.
I’m also writing this story for you, my dear Facebook friends, to explain to you what’s going on with me lately and why my posts have become very political. I’ve been getting a lot of questions and answers on this topic. People are asking me if I’ve been electrified or just gone mad, and warning me not to enter the site. Since politics affects us all, it would be fair for me to open up to you and tell you about things that only I and my loved ones know. So, I will reflect a little on the subject and I hope that each reader will look inside themselves and think about their purpose here on earth.
I was born on 25 June 1985. My birth immediately began with a struggle for life, as I was diagnosed with an intestinal malformation that had not yet been corrected in Soviet Estonia. To this end, a professor was called from Moscow to perform the first operation on me. For this purpose, a professor was called from Moscow, who performed the first such operation on me. As I like to say about myself: “I was like a guinea pig, thanks to whom many children are now alive.” I was treated by a doctor, Ann Paal, to whom I will always be very grateful. Because of the number of operations I had, from a very early age, my parents thought that I must have suffered brain damage because I was doing things they didn’t understand. In retrospect, however, these were my first steps in politics.
I remember a time in the Nurme nursery school in Haapsalu, where I was “in charge” of a whole kindergarten group. The strategy was simple. I pretended to sleep until the teachers went for coffee during quiet time. As soon as the place was clear of them, I got all the children up and started the meeting. The result was either eating grasshoppers out of a vase, or showering the whole group with cloths so that the whole group dripped afterwards. There were also public events where I had to prove myself to the group, such as kissing a girl I really liked. I did this to the cheers of the boys in the group. Once I happened to dance without my trousers, which my mother and the teacher happened to wonder behind me. Of course, my mother’s eyes were full of shame.
I went to the first grade in 1992. The school was Haapsalu 1st Secondary School. I couldn’t understand why all the children had to sit up straight in the classroom with their backs straight and listen to what the teacher was saying. I didn’t like being a jerk, like I was in kindergarten. Instead of studying, I spent my lessons sitting at my desk playing with cars. But that didn’t mean I wasn’t listening to what the teacher was saying. I became an “outsider” in class until I was expelled from school at the end of the first grade and sent to Haapsalu Sanatorium Boarding School. While I was in the first class there, teacher Kersti Roosvald took each child personally. The teacher was amazed, because I completed the workbooks from beginning to end before the others and read more diligently than anyone else. He didn’t understand what the story was that I couldn’t learn. They wanted to move me up to the second grade from half a year, but they didn’t do it because my grandmother thought the boy was used to the teacher and I had time to go to school.
The Haapsalu Sanatorium Boarding School was one of the best schools in Estonia at the time in terms of teaching methods and learning efficiency. Normal schools were still stuck in the Soviet-era learning mentality. Because the children had either physical or mental disabilities, teachers had to teach each child individually and develop their strongest skill. I can be absolutely certain that the Haapsalu Sanatorium Boarding School was at least 15 years ahead of other schools in this respect. The school taught everything necessary for life. Apart from lessons, I had the opportunity to take part in all kinds of circles, in which I actively participated, and thanks to which I later developed an interest in theatre, folk and ballroom dancing.
During my studies at basic level, I also got to enjoy my father’s failed uranium vein experiment. Overnight, I was one of the most famous kids in school. The oriole of fame lasted all through the 90s. It was only later that Andres Anvelt’s ‘Red Mercury’ reminded me and society of what had happened. People had forgotten about it by then, and took his story as an “adventure story from land and sea.”
At school, I got to know other peers, as well as a group of boys in the older class who liked to pick on the weaker ones and do other non-verbal things. As the saying goes, if you want to survive, howl with the wolves. I too had to face a situation – either I am a beanbag myself or run a policy where the wolf is eaten – the sheep are healthy. This new social situation gave me a great experience to feel first-hand the difference between good and evil. When I was growing up, I liked to write letters in primary school literature classes. My class teacher and literature teacher, Imbi Beek, always let me read out my letters in front of the class. Knowing this, I would write my own stories in a way that always made my classmates laugh when they listened. I also had to write the speech for the end of primary school, because Imbi said that you, Mario, will be a man of the people – could you please write it? I didn’t understand the meaning of the sentence at the time, but I agreed to his request.
Most of the time I stayed with my grandparents in the village of Haeska in Läänemaa, because my parents were at work and it was just not interesting to be in the city during the breaks. Thanks to this, I have a close relationship with the people there. Haeska was also a village of freedoms, because you could do everything you couldn’t do in the city. When I was 15, my grandfather was given a Soviet-era K-750 motorbike with sidecars for haymaking, which I loved to take apart all the time. Two weeks after getting the moto, I had to spend a week in hospital because of a motorbike accident. As a result of the accident, I hit my head on a tree so hard that my helmet was half broken. The accident was at least good enough to improve my grades for a while. I assumed it was due to the blow to the head. When I got out of the hospital, I knocked up the moto, because my love for motorcycles at that time was very strong and I was not discouraged by one failure, but rather it gave me experience and strength.
Together with local boys, we created my first so-called underground organization “Bikers Gang”. We had our own constitution, which we adopted with the board of directors, as well as our own logo. Unfortunately, nothing of them has survived. The aim of the gang was to ride motorbikes and do all sorts of stupid things that came to mind.
In the Defense Forces, I served in a logistics battalion in Tallinn. Because of my childhood illness I had the opportunity to sneak away from the Defense Forces, but I didn’t. On the contrary, I insisted on being accepted. The doctors shrugged their shoulders and wished me well, and so I began my service in the Defense Forces.
The first three days were like a nightmare and I thought, “Where the hell have, I let myself be placed now?”. It was summer and it was hot as hell. It was impossible to be in uniform. Tongues were dripping, sweat was dripping for days, and the boys in the ranks were fainting. Some of the boys were so shocked when they got there that they sat on the trapeze and shook their bodies like madmen in a madhouse, repeating to themselves, “I’m getting out of here, I’m getting out of here.” One of the youths cut himself in the shower room to escape. The dense guests in the rooms were the underload’s, who shouted at the boys and turned mattresses and wardrobes upside down. This was done systematically. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t cry on the mattress at night, but at the same time I assured myself that I could endure those 11 months. Time went on. Once we had completed the basic soldier course and had our ranks, we were all given duties to perform. As I was in the defense section of the headquarters, which was mostly made up of Russians, and no junior sergeant was willing to lead this unsubordinated section, somehow, I was given this duty. And then it was as if I was in the Soviet army, because all the communication was in Russian. Fortunately, thanks to my previous life experiences, I was able to get on with them immediately and I was the only one whose orders they finally obeyed, and I did it all in Estonian. The other sergeants who asked them to do something were simply told: “I don’t understand!”
In the Defense Forces, I got my first experience of organized legal division command, while being a non-commissioned officer myself. I only became a captain in the Defense League
In this fast-changing world, you need to be very flexible. To this end, I have worked in a wide variety of fields to gain experience and find my purpose in life. If you want something in life, you will get it in the end!
I’ve been a waiter, a bartender, a car washer, a cafeteria manager, a guard in the guard unit of the Defense League, a security guard in a discotheque, a laminator in a shipyard, a bronzer in a steamer factory, a plaster fitter, a ceiling fitter, a 4×4 truck track judge, a furniture fitter and even a blacksmith for a day in Valjala.
In 2016, I came to Finland because living and working in Estonia didn’t pay me enough. I took out a house loan, and my children, who had been born in the meantime, needed the best. The first months were difficult in a foreign country. For three months, I lived under the table in my father’s kitchen with my partner, with whom I made the journey to Finland. But I didn’t give up, and step by step I kept moving forward. Eventually my partner gave up and went back to Estonia. Our relationship also went with her.
It was thanks to my mother and her partner that I discovered EKRE in real life.
Many have asked: “Why EKRE?” My answer is simple.
I soon realized that everything I had been through in my life had been packaged in one format, or in other words, I had had a political epiphany. Because the EKRE is made up of ordinary people from Estonia who, based on their life experiences, are working together for one thing – for Estonia!
Foto: Tõnu Loone
Tubli oled! Vähestele tänapäeva noortele on antud avar silmaring ning mõttetegevus juurdlemisoskusega. Popp on olla enesekeskne “pimbo”, “lilleke rohus”!